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PBS:Word Girl/單詞女孩 第1季 26集全 9DVD
演  員:
分  類: 劇 集 >> 紀錄片 教育片 健身操等
語  言: 英語
字  幕: 中文
地  區: 歐美
介  質: DVD9
集  數: 26
碟  數: 9
會員價: NT$ 750
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劇情介紹(PBS:Word Girl/單詞女孩 第1季 26集全 9DVD )

PBS出品--《單詞女孩》Word Girl  第1季 9DVD26集全

語言: 英文、無字幕


WordGirl 她聰明、直率、可愛,勇敢,像Super Man一樣在和“惡勢力”做鬥爭!獲得 2010年美國電視評論協會 年度最佳少兒類節目大獎(Outstanding Achievement in Youth Programming)

WORDGIRL follows the everyday life and superhero adventures of WordGirl as she fights crime and enriches vocabulary usage. Disguised as mild-mannered fifth grader, Becky Botsford, WordGirl possesses superhero strength with the added benefit of a colossal vocabulary. She is joined in her adventures by a monkey sidekick named Captain Huggy Face.
Each episode introduces up to four new vocabulary words in an engaging, humorous way. WordGirl is a superhero spoof so the storylines are funny takes of familiar stories from that genre.
Series Goals
To help build children's deep word knowledge and engender a lifelong enthusiasm for language
To offer direct instruction of important targeted vocabulary words presented in multiple and interesting contexts in order to build children's deep word knowledge and overall vocabulary interest
To provide role-models for children illustrating the power of words within a rewarding social/emotional and cultural context
Helping Kids Prepare for School
WordGirl teaches new vocabulary words to children in a variety of fun and interesting contexts. The program enriches young audiences' vocabulary, closes the gap for those who don't grow up in language-rich environments, instills a love of language, and fosters better reading comprehension.


01 Tobey or Consequences
 High-Fat Robbery
02 You Can’t Crush City Hall
 Two-Brain Highway
03 Coupon Madness
 When Life Gives You Potatoes...
04 Jerky Jerk
 Becky's Birthday
05 Chuck!
 Down With Word Up
06 Super-Grounded
 Mouse Army

07 Book Ends
   Mr. Big

08 Tobey’s Masterpiece
 Chuck the Nice Pencil Selling Guy
09 The Birthday Girl
10 Mr. Big’s Big Plan
 Vocab Bee
11 Shrinkin’ in the Ray
 Department Store Tobey
12 Chuck E. Sneeze
 Swap Meat
13 Granny’s Goodtime All-Cure Spritzer
14 Princess Triana and The Ogre of Castlebum
 Heat Wave, Crime Wave
15 Thorn in the Sidekick
 Crime Takes a Holiday
16 Meat With a Side of Cute
 Mr. Big Words
17 Two-Brains Forgets
 Banned on the Run
18 Have You Seen The Remote?
 Sidekicked To The Curb
19 Lady Redundant Woman
 A Game of Cat and Mouse
20 The Masked Meat Marauder
 Sandwich World
21 Violet Superhero
 Big Business
22 The Handsome Panther
 The Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Maker
23 Mousezilla
 Villain School
24 Return of the Reprise of Lady Redundant Woman
 A Simple Plan
25 Granny Mayor
 Tobey Goes Good
26 Bongo Rock
 Dr. Three Brains


Word Girl is coming!

Grammar Super Hero
Word Girl teaches uses her vocabulary to thwart bad guys.

This, this heroine, this new super hero.
You love her?
I love this story. She is on a mission.
She is, against malapropism and she is out to save syntax. Wordgirl is not only taking on bad guys, she is taking on bad grammar and her weapon of choice: a big vocabulary. Her creators say she is using her power for the good of all kids. Meddy Soul is here with more on the newest super hero on the block. Hey there, Meddy.
I know as grammarians you guys are gonna love this story. By day the cartoon character is an ordinary fifth grader, but when she dons her red cap, wordgirl is a heroine who has a real way with words and creaters are hoping her impressive vocabulary will rub off on her young viewers.

Word up!
She can lift buildings with the best of arm, but the newest super hero was armed with all kinds of powers you won't find in a comic book.
Understand? Comprehend! Correct!
Spelling! Synonyms! Antonyms!
The creation of the educational company Scholastic and PBS: Wordgirl fights crimes with what she calls her superior vocabulary.
Wouldn't it be cool if eloquence were a superpower, just like superspeed and superstrength.
Wordgirl and her crime fighting pal Captain Huggy Face take on villains such as the Evil Granny May, the Butcher, Two-Brains and Chuck, the Evil sandwich making guy. Show creator Dorothea Gillim, a former teacher in Bookworm, hopes the super heroine will inspire children to read and make learning fun.
My hope is the kids will find her sassy and cool and, you know, maybe somebody they want to be.
And she's even becoming an instant celebrity, sitting down with Alexis Simendinger.
So, wordgirl being a ten-year-old superhero?
Uh, ten and a half!
Educators say the larger a child's vocabulary, the greater their chance for academic success.
There's no reason why learning should be fun for kids. No reason why kids shouldn't come away from an experience of learning information and feel like they wanna learn more.
So, crime fighters, take heart. There's a new superhero in town and her name is Wordgirl.
Oh,that's great. Wordgirl.
If you had a grammatic alert in you story she's gonna call you.
Forget it. I am very worried.
I think you are OK.
I was listening pretty closely, but I'm no Wordgirl

PBS:Word Girl/單詞女孩 第1季 26集全 9DVD
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